
How to align plasma widgets

Update (05/2012): The kdeplasma-addons (Kubuntu; plasma-addons on SuSE) package provides a grid layout. Access via right mouseclick on desktop->Desktop Settings->Layout. Widgets snap to the grid when resized/moved.

The discussion about how to best do plasma layouts is in full cry in the forums (e.g. here), so this is the foot soldiers' method to somehow uniformly scale and align plasma desktop widgets:

All geometry values are set in the ~/.kde4/share/config/plasma-desktop-appletsrc file (KDE4.3; 4.2 users take plasma-appletsrc).
The relevant entries have e.g. the following structure and can be identified by their plugin name:

The geometry option specifies xposition, yposition, width, height. According to this (german) forum discussion zvalue handles foreground/background and transform specifies rotations. Adjust to your liking (those calculations could definitely be done by a script) and restart plasma as described here

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