
openSuSE and quota

If you ever have to setup a file server, e.g. published via SAMBA, you normally will set local quota in order to keep the hard drive usage under control. The standard commands to deal with quota are


You will have to enable quota in /etc/fstab for the mountpoint you want to use it:
open fstab with vi as superuser and add "usrquota,grpquota" to the options. The changed line might look like this:
/dev/sdb1 /home ext3 suid,dev,acl,usrquota,grpquota,user_xattr,exec 0 2

Remember, only native linux file systems will have the possibility to set quota.
Now you need to create the files where the quota information is stored:
being superuser, command:
touch /partition/aquota.user
touch /partition/aquota.group (if needed)
chmod 0600 /partition/aquota.*
The files aquota.* should be owned and read-writable for root only.
Remount the partition you just prepared quota for.
mount -o remount /partition
To edit quota for a user, use /sbin/edquota as superuser (it is essentially a vi).
To switch on quota, use /sbin/quotaon -avug, to switch off quota /sbin/quotaoff -avug
If you want to get a usage statistic use the command
/sbin/repquota -avug.

Finally, if everything works, you might want to have quota enabled by default at system startup. For openSuSE (found for 10.2, 10.3 and 11) this is easily achieved by commanding
cd /etc/init.d
insserv boot.quota
as superuser and rebooting the machine.

Warning: Never never never (I really mean it) install quota on the mountpoint / otherwise you might get into trouble if root cannot login any more, because the file space available for root has reached the limit...

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